
  • การค้นหา N
  • การมอง N
  • ค้นหา VI
  • ดู VT
  • ดู VI
  • ตัดสิน VT
  • เผชิญหน้า VI
  • พิจารณา VI
  • มีท่าทาง VI
  • มีแนวโน้ม VI
  • รูปร่างท่าทาง N
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  • แสดงออก VT
  • ตัวอย่างประโยค

  • They wanted to go round the cave and have another look for a way out.
  • You should take a look at these proposals.
  • Im looking everywhere to find my puppy.
  • A husband turned his head slightly to look his wife in the face.
  • Did you have a chance to look at what he gave her?
  • The building looks over the river.
  • He could look at the facts before making a decision.
  • The food industrys future looks bright.
  • The state of her health looked worse.
  • The necklace has a cheap look.
  • This nightgown is the latest look from the catwalk in Paris.
  • He threw a meaningful look to the young girl. Sarah gave me a sharp look
  • He looked in annoyance at his girlfriend.